I'm going to show you the technique I came up with to mark letters onto wool. And I am offering my pattern "Love Note" to you for free so that you can practice using this technique. Enjoy! The free download for my pattern can be found at the end of this tutorial.

Here is what you will need to start:
1. You will need an embroidery hoop in a size which is slightly bigger than the applique piece you will be tracing. You will also need nylon tulle (like the kind used in wedding veils). Cut the tulle 2" larger than your hoop. For my example I am using a 4" hoop and a 6" square of tulle. You will need a Black Sharpie fine point for tracing onto the tulle, and a Pigma Micron 02 archival ink pen for marking onto the wool.
2. To begin, place the tulle in the embroidery hoop so that it is stretched taut. Place the hoop and tulle flat side down over your paper pattern and trace over the outline of the shape and the letters directly onto the tulle using the Black Sharpie pen.
3. This photo shows the tracing on the tulle.
4. Now place your marked hoop and tulle over the wool shape.
5. Trace the letters using a Pigma pen, using an up and down motion, creating a series of dots on the wool.
6. Here is the wool piece showing the marking. Stitch over the marks with embroidery thread.